Hello Kombucha Summit community! Only a few days until Virtual Kombucha Summit kicks off and we would like to introduce another partner of ours to you. We are very excited to have Rare Combinations from the US joining us next month. We had a chance to Nick and ask a few questions about his business and outlook on the Kombucha market in general.
Rare Combinations provides affordable, simple, and fast in-house alcohol testing devices. I am the man of all hats in this company; I invented, designed, and build the alcohol content detectors, do customer service, and sales.
Since I am a small company I like to think that I am able to provide personalized service to all of my customers! Previously I have hand-delivered devices to purchasers who are local to me and have made time to visit brewers in other states as well! Since beginning sales about a year ago, I have sold over 50 devices including one to GT’s Kombucha, the first and largest producer in the United States.
Three summers ago, I was brewing and selling kombucha at my local farmer’s market. When business was going well and I wanted to move the product into stores, I ran into this alcohol content issue that I later found many others have faced. I spent a year developing an easy and affordable device that can find alcohol content of kombucha in-house!
Rare Combinations LLC makes connections with kombucha brewers to help reduce alcohol content to legal levels. With the alcohol detector device, it is much easier to determine when this goal has been reached!
Through the Virtual Kombucha Summit, I hope to make connections with brewers, particularly brewers outside of the United States.
Please visit my website rarecombinations.com or my YouTube channel. You can reach me at nick@rarecombinations.com where I would be more than happy to set up a voice or video call!
Thanks a lot to Nick from Rare Combinations for his support and we're looking forward to welcoming him for the Virtual Kombucha Summit in four weeks! Stay tuned for more interviews in the coming days and weeks!
In case you have any questions, comments or suggestions, ping us any time at info@kombuchasummit.com or on Instagram.
The views, opinions and positions expressed within our Partner Interview Series are those of the interviewee alone and do not represent those of Kombucha Summit. The accuracy, completeness and validity of any statements made within this article are not guaranteed. We accept no liability for any errors, omissions or representations. The copyright of this content belongs to the author and any liability with regards to infringement of intellectual property rights remains with them.